Meet the Team Interview | Peter Brooks


Peter Brooks works within our IT team to ensure that our IT infrastructure is always running efficiently. His technical knowledge and commitment to his role are an asset to Advance.

How long have you worked at Advance Tapes?

I’ve been working at Advance Tapes for just over one year now. Before Advance I was a Systems Engineer for a Mac Company which primarily dealt with photo and publishing companies.

What are your main responsibilities? What projects are you working on that people may be interested to know about?

My main responsibilities are taking care of the IT infrastructure for the two sites alongside Hema Rayarel (IT Helpdesk Systems Support). This includes desktop user support and looking after the network. We are currently working on a number of new and exciting projects including the roll out of the Office 365 application to all computers in the business. This will standardise all the copies of office between factory and office computers and will assist in the transfer of company emails to the cloud. We are also installing a new Avaya phone system which has a range of new features which were not available with the old model. As well as this we are implementing a Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) line to all of our sites which is essentially upgrading all the business broadband lines.

If you could switch to another career what would it be and why?

When I was younger, I always wanted to join the Airforce as I’ve always liked the idea of being able to fly planes. However, my poor eyesight means that I wouldn’t be able to do that unfortunately. I have a friend who owns a flight simulator school though and I go there every now and again.

Who is the funniest person you work with and why?

It has to be Kerrie Robinson (Finance Manager). She is great fun to work with and never fails to crack us up.

What interests do you have outside of work that people might not know about?

I enjoy playing golf outside of work and play football every now and again. I would really like to do a Tough Mudder challenge again. I did one a few years ago in Kettering and really enjoyed it. It would be great to get a group of people together to do another as although it’s physically demanding it’s a great team bonding exercise. There’s a great spirit to the event as everyone helps each other.

If you had £10 million what would you do with it?

I would pay off my mortgage and spend the rest on my family perhaps on a few nice holidays. To be honest if I was to win money on the lottery, I would still come into work the next day as otherwise I would be bored. I’d keep my job and invest the money in a few different ways.

If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

Umm, that’s a tricky one. I think I would have invisibility but at the end of the day each person is their own superpower as we are all unique.

What is your idea of success?

Success for me is managing to complete a project without any hitches. I know that this is difficult to accomplish as there are always obstacles that you encounter but if I am able to overcome these and ensure things run smoothly, I am satisfied.

What do you like most about your job?

The staff and the interaction between employees. It’s nice that you aren’t segregated to just your department or team, you get to communicate and collaborate with everyone.

Who would you like to switch places with for the day if you could?

Daniel Craig and then I could do a James Bond film. It’s hard to pick my favourite James Bond film but I’d have to say Spectre or Casino Royale.

What is the last book you read?

The last book I read is the Office 365 exam book to assist me with my work. I don’t really read much other than technical books.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

At home, surrounded by family.

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