Meet our team l Carl Mills


Each month we share with you the next episode in our series of interviews #Meet our team.
Today, Carl Mills, Engineering Manager, talks about his career and his job.

How long have you worked for Advance Tapes?

I joined Advance Tapes in January 2018.
Coming from a big food manufacturer, the idea of being part of a family run business was very attractive. I discovered the tremendous benefits of working for a smaller organization, such as the speed of decision making and the accessibility of the Leadership team or Board of directors.

How have your responsibilities changed from when you first started?

As an Engineering Manager, my role is to optimise the operation of the technical equipment of our production sites and to anticipate the needs of the structure.

My mission is to reduce machine downtime, increase plant availability and efficiency, and improve first-time repairs. I have to ensure that the Preventive Maintenance (PPM) scheme is adhered to safely by the engineering team.

I also work closely with various departments to define and implement an innovative strategy that is best suited to our needs, to guarantee excellent service to our clients.
As part of our continuous improvement approach, we have recently adopted the 5S method to increase the productivity performance. I am part of the team responsible for the implementation and the maintenance of the 5S system in the factory. It is a very challenging project as it requires each employee to be involved and on board in the long term.

I think that there are numerous opportunities to develop and progress within Advance Tapes for those who demonstrate their eagerness to learn new skills. I have been here one year and I was given the opportunity to work on various projects and to take on more responsibilities.

If you could switch to any career, what would it be?

I have always wanted to work in engineering, so it’s difficult to think about any other dream job. However if I could choose, I would probably specialise in aircraft engineering. It would be great to be able to fix aircraft and travel to many nice locations.

Who is the funniest person you work with?

That’s a difficult question really, there are lots of characters in here.
For example Tony Mason, Despatch Operator, I always like to meet him, because it doesn’t matter if he has a good or a bad day, he always smiles!
The same applies to Prakash Beau Bodhani, our Converting Senior Engineer. He always makes me smile.

If you won £10 million, what would you do with it?

What would I do with so much money?
Probably like everybody, the first thing would be to look after my family and make sure they are not missing anything. Then I would treat myself, I would buy myself lots of classic cars e.g. Ford RS200, Mk1 Escort Mexico and Vauxhall Lotus Carlton and I would get a nice warm garage to keep them in.

What are you best known for at work?

I would say logical thinking and being nice and always having time for people.

What are your interests we may not know about?

Many of my colleagues know my interest in classic cars.
However, what they probably do not know is that I am also a fan of the 80s. I regularly organize weekends in Skegness with my friends during which we party non-stop. We even dress up like back in the 80s.

If you could have any superpower what would that be and why?
I do like Marvel characters, my favourite superhero is Iron Man. I don’t want any superpower but it would be cool to have his invincible suit.

What’s your idea of success in your job?

In my case, I think that success translates into the ability to achieve the objectives given in a safe manner. My greatest satisfaction is to provide a healthy and safe environment for my team and to know that they are going home at night intact.

What do you like the most in your job?

What I love the most is the wide variety of machines that we have at Advance Tapes.
We have a full control of the production process, with machines for the adhesive formulations, for coating and converting as well as for the wrapping and labelling.
This is really fascinating, and is certainly one of the best things about my job.

What do you like the most about working for Advance?

At Advance Tapes there is a family feel. Employees are at the heart of the company’s concerns as they strive to provide a friendly and open environment. It is easy and quick to interact with people in charge of different functions or at different hierarchical levels. Also, it is a company that places at least as much emphasis on skills as it does on a degree, and supports those who want to learn and grow. I feel like part of a big family.

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