Meet our team l Andrzej Zbigniew Nahorski


‘When you do something, put 100% of your efforts to do it right.’- that’s the philosophy of Andrzej Zbigniew Nahorski, our Customer Delivery Operative. Read the interview and find out more about his work ethics.  

How long have you worked for Advance Tapes?

I have been working for Advance for almost 2.5 years. I worked for 20 months as an agency worker, and for the last 10 months I’ve been employed directly by the company.

How have your responsibilities changed from when you first started?

At the beginning I had few tasks and everything was relatively easy, but in the course of time I took on more and more responsibilities and I am constantly learning new things. As a Customer Delivery Operative I am responsible for various tasks: I am printing the orders, organising products depending on whether it is delivery or collection, checking whether all the orders are properly packed, depending on the needs of the customers. I also physically log the products, double check received and dispatched goods and I do a product inventory check every day on all of our tapes including our foil range. In the last month I have learnt about our export department and I started working with invoices, logging of the products etc.  

If you could switch to any career, what would it be?

Definitely filmmaking. This is my biggest passion. I worked for 10 years as a camera man for Polish TV providers. I filmed interviews with actors, politicians and celebrities, but the problem was that you often had to do things or record material which was against your beliefs. I witnessed how the bosses of the TV manipulated the film materials and this just against my principles. Additionally the wages weren’t proportional to the costs I had as a self-employed. To earn some more money I filmed during different events like weddings, communions etc. but I started to have problems with my eyes, and it was too expensive to buy new equipment regularly.  But I really like independent cinema and if I could, I would go in this direction.

Who is the funniest person you work with?

There are a few people who are really funny, e.g. Tony from Dispatch, Steve my new manager and David, one of the drivers. They all have a great sense of humour. I think that as Logistics and Dispatch we are a really good team.  

If you won £10 million, what would you do with it?

I would buy some land in a forest with a lake and I would build a small house there. And the rest I would give away to family, friends, some charities. I don’t really need much. Maybe I would travel to some places like Vietnam or India. In the UK I have met people from all over the world, and it would be nice to learn more about different cultures and visit different countries.

What are you best known for at work?

I think I’m known for being organised. People who work with me know that I like to plan and organise everything in advance. It is impossible to work in chaos or a mess. I like when everything is neat and tidy and is in the right place. I am very strict about it.

What’s one of your interests we may not know about it?

Except for filmmaking, I also like sports. Any sort of sports really, but my favourite ones are football and speedway. I like swimming and cycling. And I am also passionate about growing my own fruit and vegetables on my allotment. I like gardening, angling and general spending time outside in the nature. I am also interested in all new technical and technological developments. In my house there are plenty of electronic devices.

If you could have any superpower what would that be and why?

I don’t like when people lie, cheat or are dishonest, and I don’t like when someone does harm to another person. So, if I had a superpower I would like to be able to stand up in these moments if I witness them, and not be afraid to help.

What’s your idea of success in your job?

To do the job right, so that no one needs to correct it or improve it. When you do something, put 100% of your efforts to do it right. You sign it off with your name, so the signature should stand for the quality of your job and you as a person. Of course mistakes can happen, we are all human, but it is important to be honest about it and learn from it.  

What do you like the most in your job?

The people I work with. I am not a native English speaker and my English is not as good as it should be, but everyone is very helpful and respects me, and I don’t feel isolated because of my language. My colleagues speak slowly and have a lot of patience and understanding, and it is a very friendly environment. Besides this I really like my job, because it is very diverse. I do many different things and it is a mix of sitting in front of the computer and some manual work. Every day brings new challenges and that is what I like about it.

What do you like the most about working for Advance?

It’s really again the people. There are no divisions, there is a very flat hierarchy and there is no distance between employees and directors. All of that makes me happy about working here. I am happy to wake up and go to work. What is also important to me is that people do appreciate your work. I got the award of the employee of the month and to me it was very important, because my hard work was noticed and appreciated. It is really nice to work in such an environment.

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