Meet our team | Hardev Kalsi

This month marks 16 years since Hardev Kalsi joined the Advance team – an amazing achievement! Hardev is a Converting Cell Leader, but he took a break to chat to us about his experience at Advance.

How long have you worked for Advance?
As of this month, 16 years.

How have your responsibilities or day-to-day work changed from when you first started?
My responsibilities and my role within the company have changed a lot since I started, and still offer new challenges. In recent years there have been several opportunities for internal development, for those who wanted it of course.

I started in 2003 as a production operator. After a few years, I was promoted to Deputy Shift Manager on our Converting site. Finally, I moved to the position of Cell Leader for Slitting and Logging (logs are large rolls that we cut into individual rolls).

Today, it is my responsibility to supervise my team to safely produce a wide range of quality professional adhesive tapes. My job starts with making sure the machines are ready and operating in a safe manner. I know these machines by heart and could almost operate them with my eyes closed (obviously I would not do it, for health and safety reasons!). At the same time, I look after five people and make sure everyone keeps to their schedules.

If you could switch to any career you wanted, what would it be?
I’ve always wanted to work with machines, so I think I’m in the right place! But if I wasn’t here, I always wanted to work with cars, and that’s what I first started studying towards at school. If I’d stuck with that I might be doing something in motorsport or restoration.

Who’s the funniest person you work with?
That’s a tough one. I’d say Neil Wheatley, Cell leader on our Converting site. I’ve been working with him for five or six years. We’ve got a good camaraderie and a good understanding of each other.

If you won £10 million, what would you do with it?
10 million is a lot of money! Like I mentioned, I’ve always had ambitions of restoring vintage cars, predominantly Volkswagen Beetles. So I’d buy myself a nice garage where I could work on those. Other than that, I’d just enjoy a life of luxury, I guess! But I’d also give to charity – I’ve always been taught that.

What are you best known for at work?
You’d have to ask someone else! But I think I’m known as someone who started from the bottom here at the company and then worked my way up, which I think is a good thing.

What’s one of your interests that we might not know about?
I started a whiskey collection about a year and a half ago. It’s still early days, but I’ve started collecting some old bottles. The oldest one I have so far is a bottle of 18-year-old Glenfiddich, although that was opened to celebrate when my nephew was born a few weeks ago. The point of the collection is that you don’t open them, and let them age… but I have had a few cheeky drinks from several of them.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
I’d become the Incredible Hulk. I’d get angry, then become big and strong. I am known to have a bit of a short fuse every now and then.

What’s your idea of success in your job?
My personal idea of success is that you set your own goals and try your absolute best to achieve them. I’m very passionate about this job – maybe sometimes too passionate! It’s the longest-term job I’ve had in my life, and it’s something that I enjoy doing and succeeding at.

What do you like the most about working for Advance?
I’d say the people that I have working with me. They’re a good group of lads that I have a great relationship with. Another great thing is the job security that comes with working for well-established company that’s been successful for a long time.

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