Meet our team l Paula Regnault


Paula is the Director of the Advance Tapes France located in Meaux (France) and is responsible for the performance of the following departments: sales, processing, stock, logistics and accounting. Paula focuses on the development of European business and ensures, with all her expertise, that our customers receive exceptional service. Find out more about her career and her values in the below interview.  

How long have you worked for Advance Tapes?

I’ve been working for Advance Tapes for over 30 years and yet I remember my first day as if it was yesterday.  

How have your responsibilities changed from when you first started?

My role and responsibilities have considerably changed since I started. I joined Advance Tapes France in 1987 as a sales assistant. My first major mission was to set up a computer for inventory management, delivery notes and invoices in the French subsidiary.

Slowly, I was given much more responsibilities and had the chance to work on various projects which naturally led me to the position of Logistics Manager in France. This new role involved managing a team, purchasing goods and completing inventory.

Then I was appointed to several positions such as Head of Administration and Logistics France, Head of Sales Administration Europe South and subsequently Head of Administration and Sales Europe South.   It was a constant change until 2004, when I became Director of the French subsidiary. My role is now to link between our subsidiary and headquarters to harmonize the management of our sales. I focus on the development of European business and ensures that our customers receive exceptional service.

This evolution has been made possible thanks to a training program, but above all because I have always received full professional and personal support from the Advance Tapes Board of Directors.

If you could switch to any career, what would it be?

Nothing … I am completely satisfied with my career. I think if I had wanted to change my career I would have done it already. If we are not happy somewhere, we have to change.  

Who is the funniest person you work with?

We are not clowns! Joking aside, it is difficult for me to answer this question without hurting the sensitivity of my colleagues. All I can say is that I have the chance to work with a cheerful and motivated team who has a good sense of self-deprecation.  

If you won £10 million, what would you do with it?

If I win the lottery, I would build an orphanage and a retirement home together. I will try to reach the “two ends” of life and create a bond between the children who bring their energy and the elderly who bring their knowledge and wisdom.

What are you best known for at work?

My colleague should answer this question, not me! I would like to think that they would say that I am reliable. Often, I am told that when there is a problem, I see a project through to the end and even further. I always look at the cause of the problem in order to eradicate it at the root so that it does not happen again in the future. I always try to have a forward-looking solution.  

What’s one of your interests we may not know about it?

I really like aviation. I dream of flying with my own plane.  

If you could have any superpower what would that be and why?

I would fly! I would fly high to have a better view on the world.   What’s your idea of success in your job?

I think that no matter what your role or position is, we all contribute to the success of the company. I strongly believe that we all can be successful in our role when we put our heart into our job and achieve our objective. Having pride in one’s work and achievements should mean an inner satisfaction that we have literally done our best.

What do you like the most in your job? Without hesitation, I would say the diversity of my projects. I have never been bored during my career at Advance Tapes, not even once! I have had the chance to work on very exciting projects which give me great motivation and so, even after more than 30 years in this company. I am very proud to be part of this team who contribute to develop Advance Tapes International and change the world of adhesive foil tapes.

What do you like the most about working for Advance?

The values of the company. At Advance, we place people at the centre of our values and recognise that a company’s performance lies in its ability to mobilize and deploy the potential of its human capital. We are fortunate to be part of a human-sized company that is committed to nurturing the talents and aspirations of its employees to create positive energy and meet the expectations of our customers with high quality products.

This post is also available in: French German

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