Tape art: Advance is a proud sponsor of Marcin Dudek’s Steps and Marches exhibition
- “A crowd is not a mob, but it can become one! Each crowd…even the most casual, has latent potential for widespread civil disobedience.” Raymond Momboisse, 1967
- “A crowd is not a mob, but it can become one! Each crowd…even the most casual, has latent potential for widespread civil disobedience.” Raymond Momboisse, 1967
- “A crowd is not a mob, but it can become one! Each crowd…even the most casual, has latent potential for widespread civil disobedience.” Raymond Momboisse, 1967
- “A crowd is not a mob, but it can become one! Each crowd…even the most casual, has latent potential for widespread civil disobedience.” Raymond Momboisse, 1967
We are highly delighted to announce that Advance Tapes is sponsoring Steps and Marches, the 2017 exhibition by artist Marcin Dudek, which will be on view from 22 September through 4 November 2017 at Edel Assanti art gallery in central London.
Marcin Dudek has used adhesives from the start of his professional artistic career. The idea to use tape in his practice emerged from his role as a technician in art galleries across London, building exhibitions and professionally packing artworks.
Marcin Dudek discovered collages as an advantageous medium for exploring and mapping space. Using amalgams of adhesive tape, the collages explore concepts of line and space from organic forms to man-made structures. Many of them seem to be three-dimensional, as they map out space above and below ground. At Advance Tapes, we are committed to supporting artists, schools, charities and local community organisations every year, helping them to successfully deliver their projects.
We have been particularly impressed by Marcin Dudek’s exceptionally artistic use of our cloth and PVC tapes, therefore, it seemed natural for Advance to become a supporter and to contribute to his excellent work.
Steps and Marches
Marcin Dudek explores the politics of identity and space, conflating hooliganism, memory and the architecture of social experience. An autobiographical dialogue with his own past underpins this discussion, drawing on his own experiences of violent football subculture and post-Soviet societal climate as a point of departure.
Dudek’s youth as a fanatical football supporter provides an autobiographical springboard for this exhibition, which explores the stadium as a metaphor for social reality, spectacle, and the kind of polarization techniques prevalent in all forms of socio-political rivalry. The exhibition takes place at Edel Assanti (London) and Harlan Levey Projects (Brussels) expanding on two prior exhibitions in each gallery. Works in the exhibition demonstrate the relationship between one and many in a cross-chunnel dialogue.
The London exhibition dives into the march of mass movements, whilst the Brussels chapter zooms in on the steps of individuals who shaped those spectacles. Centrefold in London is a monumental installation comprised of freestanding geometric MDF blocks, each referencing specific historic crowd disasters through statistical representation. Monitors embedded within this modular landscape play looped black and white footage, alternating between exercises in coordinated demonstrations and violent explosions of crowd violence.
Inanimate sculptural objects construed from materials that evidence these same disasters or authoritative bodies’ attempts to curtail them. The exhibition will open at Harlan Levey Projects on 7th September during Brussels Gallery Weekend, and on 21st September at Edel Assanti, remaining open throughout Frieze in London.
Edel Assanti 74A Newman St, Fitzrovia London W1T 3DB www.edelassanti.com Tube: Oxford Circus
About Marcin Dudek
Born in 1979 in Krakow, Dudek left Poland at the age of 21, in order to study at the Mozarteum Art School in Salzburg (from which he graduated in 2005) as well as Central Saint Martins in London (from which he graduated in 2007). He currently divides his living and working life between Brussels and Krakow. His work has been exhibited in such international institutions as the Musuem of Modern Art in Moscow, the Strasbourg Künstlerhaus, the Arad Art Museum, the Bunkier Sztuki in Krakow and Kiev’s Goethe Institut.
Website: www.marcin-dudek.com About Edel Assanti Edel Assanti, established in 2009 in central London as an itinerant project space, opened its permanent exhibition space in Victoria in 2010. The gallery aims to establish a dynamic cultural hub for a new generation of arts practitioners. Since its opening, Edel Assanti has presented twenty three onsite exhibitions, worked with over one hundred international artists, and participated regularly in international fairs. The gallery continues to exhibit works by both mid-career and emergent artists and, especially this year, to provide a platform for contemporary art from Latin America. Website: www.edelassanti.com