Get to know our team I Joanna Olesków

It is the first year since Joanna Olesków, our Marketing Communications Executive, has been part of the Advance team. Find out about her work experience and why she is particularly happy with her role at Advance.

How long have you been working at Advance?

For one year. I started on August 1st, 2018 and I can hardly believe that a year has already passed. Maybe the time passed so quickly because I had worked on many interesting projects.
I completed German studies and translation and interpreting studies and worked as a translator and teacher for a few years. Then I moved to the UK to work as a project manager at a translation agency. It was then that I realized that I was much more interested in marketing than translating, so I graduated from magazine journalism, which opened the door to marketing positions for me.

What has changed in your day-to-day business and your responsibilities since you started with us?

Throughout the year I took part in a training program to expand my expertise in Advance products and to better understand our target markets. I am now also responsible for my own projects such as a bi-monthly newsletter to keep all colleagues up to date and I am responsible for tailor-made marketing support for our customers, I prepare e-commerce and marketing packages to increase our customers’ sales.

Digital marketing is also a big part of my responsibilities. I prepare content for marketing campaigns and write blog posts for our website. I research keywords that are relevant for our website and work on optimizing the website. We are working on a lot of interesting digital projects and I really enjoy this work. I also like to work with data and analyze which content is popular on our website and in social networks.
I also help key account managers in the UK and Germany with marketing support and do market research.

If you had the opportunity to pursue your career in another area. Where would that be?

I love animals and from childhood I always wanted to be a veterinarian. It later found out that I was really bad at physics, so I knew veterinary medicine wasn’t for me. But if I could still change my career, I would definitely work with animals.

Who is the funniest person you work with and why?

It is a very difficult question. Both Alicia Tissot (Senior Marketing Communications Executive) and Jeremy Simons (Product Manager) are very funny. We always joke about the way we work. There is always a good atmosphere in our department. I have to say, however, that the two ladies from Customer Service Team Maureen Nutting and Jayne Halford are also very funny. They always teach me interesting English phrases.

Do you have a special interest that we don’t know about?

I like to photograph flowers and landscapes and I like to travel. I also enjoy visiting new places and getting to know other cultures.

If you won $ 10 million, what would you do with it?

I would definitely travel. There are so many places I want to visit like India, Sri Lanka, Australia, South America. I would also support volunteer organizations and I would share the rest with my family and friends.

What are you best known for at work?

Most likely for my foreign language skills: I speak Polish, German, English and a little bit of Spanish.

If you had superpowers, what would you do with them and why?

If I had super powers, I want to be a superwoman. I would help those in need and remove the evil.

How do you imagine success in your job?

I imagine success at work as constant learning. You always have to be ready to continue learning and to expand your knowledge and skills. Especially in the digital environment, we always have to be up to date with the latest developments. What was new yesterday will be out of date tomorrow and you have to adapt to the constant changes.

By the term success I also understand cooperation. You can achieve so much more when you work as a team. It’s so much fun and very motivating when you pursue the same goal together with colleagues.

What do you like most about your job?

Actually everything! I find digital marketing fascinating and I am very happy that I can use and expand my specialist knowledge at Advance.

What do you like most about your work for Advance?

I repeat what my colleagues have already said before: undoubtedly the people. I remember my first day at Advance very well, everyone was very friendly and from the start I felt like a member of the Advance family.

I also like that we have a very flat hierarchy and that all directors can be addressed directly.
In addition, I am very happy that Alicia is my mentor. She is a wonderful person who is very hardworking and hardworking and her support cannot be overestimated. I am happy to have such a good relationship with my manager.

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This post is also available in: Anglais Allemand